- Valentine's day (56)
- Age (1144)
- To the newborn (13)
- Accessories (116)
- Final sale (111)
- Drawing and colouring (96)
- Body art (49)
- Writing materials (124)
- Construction (17)
- Do It Yourself (343)
- Toys (262)
- Games (197)
- Dolls (142)
- To the party (1)
- Puzzles (193)
- Interior (64)
- Outdoor (52)
"Wow, this shop is so small!" wondered our four-year-old customer while entering our store for the first time.
Naerupaun is a small family business. There are only two of us, but we have support from the whole family. Father Jaano has studied economics at Tartu University and hence his ambition to become an entrepreneur. After working for various manufacturers for several years, he decided to pursue his own goals. In addition to log houses, glulam and other wood products, fun "lego" type toy construction sets also found their way into his heart. In the summer of 2009 we started to sell Varis Toys wooden construction sets in Estonia. This marks the beginning of our family toy business. At the time we exhibited our toys at various trade fairs and special sale events. By now one can find our toys in many homes, kindergartens and schools.
Daughter Kati has a special education B.Sc degree from Tartu University and special education teacher-counselor M.Sc degree from Tallinn University. She is also working in her field at a children's rehabilitation centre. At the moment she is taking a course to become a play therapist. During her studies she has learned the importance of toys, games and activities that support the all-around and ongoing development of children.
In 2011 we became familiar with the truly charming and special toys of Djeco. This quality French brand found its place in our store next to the wooden Varis series. After more and more people asked about our web page, we knew we had to come up with a unique name for our toy store. One that would characterise us and that we would gladly use as a name for our physical store. In February 2012 there were other options at the table, but "Naerupaun" sounded as the best. Directly translated as a sack full of laughter, it means the fun and enjoyment "that" our toys give to children.
By now we have attended more than a hundred trade fairs and special sale events and since our customers started asking us frequently where could they find us and buy the toys that we sell, we knew we had to level up. We were only able to share our web page with them but it had always been our secret wish to say:"Our toy shop is located at...". As they say: "Dream big!" In November 2014 we finally opened our physical small toy store and now we can proudly say: "Our toy shop is located at 2 Küütri St Tartu and you are "very" welcome to visit us there!".
The family of Naerupaun wishes you happy shopping and playing!